Saturday, September 26, 2009

January- Garnet

Garnet is the official birthstone for January and may be given as a gem on the 2nd and 6th wedding anniversary. The garnet continues to be the protective gem of journeyers. A gift of garnet is thought to be symbolic of love and the desire for a loved one's safe travel and speedy homecoming. Garnets in legend light up the night and protect their owners from nightmares. Noah used a garnet lantern to navigate the Ark at night. Garnets have long been carried by travelers to protect against accidents far from home.

Garnet and Modern Myth

Garnet has been used by various Indian tribes to enhance the potency of fire and to heal and enlighten their people. Many healers continue to use garnet today as a supplemental cure for nightmares, attacks, jaundice and unclean auras.


It is generally safe to clean your garnet in an ultrasonic cleaner. The safest way is to clean your garnet is to use warm plain or soapy water and a soft bristled brush or a cloth. A steamer is very risky.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Aquarium ornaments

We can easily build a beautiful water scene aquarium with the right selection and good combination of aquarium ornaments. Since choosing a right aquarium will be a good choice to grow a happy and healthy fish. But be careful while choosing a aquarium ornaments for the fish make sure that you keep the features of the fish in mind.

There are so many things to keep in mind while choosing the decoration ornaments for fish. You should keep in mind that you are building home for your fish. So you need to create a three dimension space for your fish to eat, sleep and breathe.

So the best place to start decoration is from the bottom. Gravel will be the best ornament to decorate the bottom of the aquarium. It comes in different colors and textures.

The next step is to choose the fun part decoration item. Two or more dramatic pieces of the fun part are useful for the fish. The fish will like it no matter what it is because it provides a lot of hiding place.

Accessory ornaments are necessary for fish that need more oxygen. This decoration item needs air pumps to power them.

Submersible light is a functional ornament used to provide soft glow in the aquarium. The final step in decoration is to choose the plant ornaments that best fit the aquarium. You can keep natural plants as well as plastic plants. The thing that needs to be noted is that whether you want to use lot of plants or less.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Buying Gold For Investing

When buying gold and gold ornaments we should first check for purity of the metal. A perfect gold metal will be 24 carrot that is 100 percent. But the gold ornaments can be mixed with other metals like copper in a less fraction.

Many jewelry shops may provide you with 916 kdm jewelry. In case do not forget to collect your guarantee card from the vendor. Likely it is advised to avoid investing on gold ornaments but investing on gold coins is very costly and effective.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Gold advantages over other advantages

The only and one substance that never lose its importance and value is said to gold. The proverb that comes into mind when speaking about gold is that all that glitters is not gold. What ever it might be only the luster and beauty of gold is what people likes.

The countries that are rich in the gold metal are said to be lucky since it is a natural metal and when scientist tried to make metal they failed. Women of all age give lot of importance to their gold ornaments. Gold is a precious metal that cannot be destroyed.

In the ancient times gold currency ruled the world. Even today when paper currency is used people still think that gold coin is a safe investment. Because of gold’s intrinsic value people try to invest the money on gold.

People invested on other things feel a loss when money losses its value sometimes but not the people who have invested their money in gold. The same fact goes to the countries also with the rise and fall in the economy the country that has the business in gold goes to the safer side than the others.

According to the economical trends the officials say that the value and worth of the gold coins go higher and higher. This trend does not happen in Europe and USA but also in all parts of the world.